Tuesday, November 23, 2010

“You cannot choose your calling. Your calling chooses you” -Og Mandino

At the present, there is a lot on my mind.

If I didn’t know better, I would say that things are going exactly to plan. Honestly, that makes me a little nervous.

Change is great. It’s needed. It ensures you can have a new challenge or create a new you. Change is the Phoenix that rises.

Change also makes you uncomfortable. It makes you question yourself. Not in what you know and what you are confident in, but what you are actually doing and what you’re hiding behind.

Yes. I said hiding.

I know what I’m hiding behind. Those who know me personally know exactly what I’m talking about. While I’m not sure whether or not I will ever actually verbally admit it, I am sure that it’s staring me right in the face.

I hide behind it all the time. It’s the reason why I may never really find love. It’s the reason why I may never have the confidence to take that risk. It’s my very own safety blanket.

Here’s the kicker though.

When something is meant to be, it shows up. And no matter how ill prepared you are, you cannot make enough excuses to tell it to go away.

You can try to avoid it. You can attempt to ignore it. But when it shows up, it shows up. It’s called your calling. And it will reoccur until you do something about it.
About five different times in my life have some extraordinary things occurred that forced me to wake up. Every experience has been ignited by drastic change that I enacted on purpose. And the event or “calling” has been the tsunami that comes along with the move.

Interestingly enough, I have dodged every bullet. I ignored the request. I’ve made excuses as to why. But now, maybe it has to do with my age or something…I can’t avoid this anymore.

Whether you like it or not, whatever is meant for you is bound to make its way into your life.

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