Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Simple Life

This past Thursday, I returned back from my travels with a renewed sense of what I had to accomplish in the next few months.

It was good to get away for a bit- quick, and never with its share of drama.  Every time I go away it only reinforces the feelings that were there before regarding my move and life changes.

The thing about this time is that in my readiness for the future- I want to go to the most minimal stage.  Like, bare bones, just what I need, no bells or whistles-- just the basics.

I'm planning for my friends to assist me in selling my designer purses.  All of my clothes will be sold or given to charity.  My televisions, and other misc. items can be sold or given away.  I really just want my bed-- and maybe my wine fridge.

Seven or so years ago- I had little belongings.  Maybe an old couch that someone had left with me, and a bed, which was bought for a mere $100.  I hadn't a pot, coffee maker, or really anything home-like to my name.  My feeling was that if I ever needed to move onward, that I was mobile enough to get up and go.

When I started buying things was when I believed my life was beginning.  What kind of thought was that?  Metaphorically, by looking at the lack thereof, couldn't anyone see that I hadn't even focused on me and my own life?  By some stretch of the imagination, my life was still in boxes!  Perhaps I was just waiting for life to find me.

The "cleansing" period that I am in feels like layers of whatever I had believed to be important before are finally being released in their toxicity.  Not only ridding myself of unnecessary things, but starting new.  I'm not afraid of it, rather I relish in it.  I want it to happen.  I feel like all of these "things" that were made important because you needed them to prove you had a "life" was just another way to spend my money to prove what?  That I had something?  But where was I?  It's like there was a party and I wasn't invited.

Monday, on a phone call to my best friend- we talked about a metamorphosis.  Indeed this next nine months will be just that.  I've never been much into butterflies- or their symbolism, but perhaps that idea is appropriate for now.  I want to shed everything.  Clean-- just be clean of it all.  I want to start over.

Yet, we must remember that life is not with it's sense of irony, and it's when we make a decision that we have to fight for what we want.

When I visited my doctor this week- I asked her if she could prescribe that.  She said she could prescribe something else at a higher dosage-- should of taken her up on that.

Here's to a simpler life.

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